

103 Uppsatser om UEFA Pro Diploma - Sida 1 av 7

Fotbollstränarnas tankar kring skadeprevention efter genomgången tränarutbildning

Sett över hela världen är fotboll den vanligaste idrotten som utövas. Skadefrekvensen inom fotbollen i Sverige ligger på 3-7 skador per 1000 träningstimmar och 14-30 skador per 1000 matchtimmar. Det vanligaste skadeområdet hos fotbollsspelarna är nedre extremitet där ankelstukningar är den vanligaste skadan. Orsakerna till skador inom fotbollen är inte helt klarlagda, men sådant som kan leda till skador är inre och yttre faktorer. Svenska Fotbollförbundet håller i tränarutbildningar som baseras på tre olika nivåer: bas, avancerad och professionell.

Styrning i fotbollsorganisationer - byråkrati, klan eller marknad?

Nowadays the world of football has become more commercial than before. As a result of this the clubs' financial status is getting more and more important. Therefore the UEFA has given the national federations a specific task to make sure that the clubs from each country follow certain standards of maintaining the football credibility. The Swedish federation has decided that the Swedish clubs must follow the so-called ?elitlicensen?.

Arbetsmiljöarbetet på SverigesBostadsrättsCentrum : Vad ändringarna i arbetsmiljölagen innebär

This diploma work was performed because the company Sveriges BostadsrättsCentrum, with the abbreviation SBC, had a need to gain insight into how changes in the Work Environment Act and related regulations which took effect January 1, 2009 affecting their work with the work environment. The changes mean that the client may hand over his work environment responsibilities to a contractor and that he has to select so-called building work environment co-ordinators. At SBC they are working as representatives for tenant-owner's association when a construction is about to be carried out. The purpose was to ascertain how changes may affect the work at SBC. The diploma work intends to educate the staff at SBC how work with the work environment would look like if they met the regulatory requirements.

UEFA Financial Fair Play - "break-even"-kraven : en konkurrensrättslig analys

2009 beslutade det europeiska fotbollsförbundet UEFA att införa regelverket Financial Fair Play Regulations, för att förbättra fotbollens ekonomiska hälsa. Detta som en följd av en allt mer ansvarslös och irrationell pengahantering bland europeiska fotbollsklubbar, med stora underskott och försenade betalningar som konsekvens. Ett avsnitt i regelverket berör de så kallade ?break-even?-kraven, som sätter begränsningar för hur stora underskott klubbar får visa upp. I vår uppsats har syftet varit att utreda huruvida ?break-even?-kraven är att anse som förenliga med EU-rättsliga konkurrensregler, specifikt art. 101.1 FEUF.

Fotboll - krav på förändring. Värför går det inte att tillämpa en traditionell företagsanalys på fotbollsklubbar?

Syftet med rapporten är att försöka genomföra en traditionell företagsanalys på ett antal utvalda fotbollsklubbar från både England och Sverige. Vidare har det också undersökts vilka begränsningar och regler som UEFAs regelverk Financial Fair Play innehåller och vilka utmaningar implementeringen av detta regelverk kan innebära för klubbarna. Genom fotbollsklubbarnas årsredovisningar samt sex intervjuer har vi kommit fram till att en traditionell företagsanalys, som nyckeltalsanalys inte går att tillämpa på fotbollsklubbar på grund av ägartillskott och Soft Budget Constraint. Fotbollsklubbarna verkar i en hög grad av Soft Budget Constraint då det inte finns några incitament för klubbarna att sköta sin ekonomi. Financial Fair Play har instiftats för att förhindra både ägartillskott och stöd från stater i form av skattelättnader.

Lean inom sjukvåren : Effektivisering av patientflöde

This report describes the planning and the accomplishment of the final diploma workat the study program Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University. Two students carried out the diploma work at GE HealthcareHusbyborg in Uppsala.The aim of the diploma work was to develop and improve existing processequipment for 11C-radiochemistry in PET. The process equipment was to be dividedinto smaller independent modules to make it more flexible. Part of the existingprocess equipment is an oven that is supposed to perform a specific chemicalreaction. One of the main goals was to study and improve this oven.The work could be divided into three main phases: 1.Present concepts for one module, and interface between different modules.

Utveckling av modulbaserad 11C-processutrustning inom PET : Presentation av idéer och koncept

This report describes the planning and the accomplishment of the final diploma workat the study program Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University. Two students carried out the diploma work at GE HealthcareHusbyborg in Uppsala.The aim of the diploma work was to develop and improve existing processequipment for 11C-radiochemistry in PET. The process equipment was to be dividedinto smaller independent modules to make it more flexible. Part of the existingprocess equipment is an oven that is supposed to perform a specific chemicalreaction. One of the main goals was to study and improve this oven.The work could be divided into three main phases: 1.Present concepts for one module, and interface between different modules.

Minnesallokering och debugverktyg

The aim of this report is to give a description of a diploma work of 20 points that has been performed during the spring 2006 at Ericsson AB in Borås. The report accounts for the problem and procedure during the diploma work. The software used for this project was embedded in a radio link. The RAM in this radio link was divided into several regions where two were used for memory allocation. The current allocation of memory in the radio link was not optimized with regards to performance, security and memory use and the configuration used made it difficult to determine the memory use of the system and the actual memory need.

Design and implementation of a 5GHz radio front-end module

The overall goal of this diploma work is to produce a design of a 5 GHz radio frontend using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) and then build a working prototype. Using this prototype to determine if RF circuits at 5 GHz can be successfully produced using distributed components on a laminate substrate. The design process for the radio front-end consists of two stages. In the first stage the distributed components are designed and simulated, and in the second stage all components are merged into a PCB. This PCB is then manufactured and assembled.

Metoder för idégenerering : En kartläggning och utvärdering av metoder på ASSA AB

ASSA develops locks and integrated security systems for doors. ASSA is Sweden?s leadingsupplier of locks and security systems. ASSA AB worked during the master thesis withimplementing a common development process for all companies within the group. Ideageneration was one relative unexplored area for the group and the interest of finding effectivemethods was required, the company understood what an effective handling of ideas couldcontribute in the pursuit of more and pleased customers.The purpose of the master thesis has been to study and to map which methods are used inorder to carry out idea generation.

Implementering av International Baccalureate Diploma Programme vid fyra skolor i Sverige : En utvärdering av motstånd och möjligheter

The aim of this essay is to analyze the implementation process of the International Baccalaureate?s Diploma Programme in four of the approximately 30 schools currently offering the IB at upper secondary level in Sweden. The starting point is a comparison between definitions in fundamental documents in the national programmes for Natural Science (NV) and Social Science (SP) on the one hand, and the IBDP on the other. The evaluation, based on Program theory, focuses in particular on the consistencies in the Organizational plans of each system.  The basic assumption is that the IB due to a deviating organizational system, different structures, aims and objectives makes a challenge for the dominating educational discourse, to use a concept by Michel Foucault, and that resistance against the IB therefore is to be expected.As a second part of the evaluation five people who either play, or have played the role of coordinators of the IB, and who thereby are responsible for the implementation, have been interviewed. The questions have been focused around in what sense the informants can confirm resistance in their implementation work due to the differences found in the first part of the evaluation, and in what ways it manifests itself.Finally, Michel Foucault?s power structures in connection to discourse analysis have been applied on the results of the two previous parts of the essay.

Energiåtervinning från gjuteriprocess till fastighet, undersökning för ökat utnyttjande av spillvärme

This diploma work on D-level is made in cooperation with Varnäsföretagen AB in Eskilstuna. The company performs contract manufactured aluminium goods. This work is a continuation on earlier diploma work in Varnäsföretagen AB. Even if the industry process consumes much energy for melting the aluminium goods, they consume a great amount of oil to warm up the building. The purpose of this work is to examine some places in the building and the process to see how much energy it is possible to recycles to the heating system and reduce the costs for heating.


This diploma work has been based on finding a solution to Hälsoteknikcentrum i Halland. The task was to design the wheels of a wheelchair gear, so they can put on and remove with a locking feature.I have sketched out the solution and drawn up in Catia v5, which will be handed over to health technology centers for accounting.  .

Inneluftsventileradekryprumsgrunder : en utvärdering av två tillverkare

This Diploma work investigates internal air ventilated crawl-space in respect to construction and damp. The Diploma work assumes from a general description of crawl-space and general dump problems in ground construction. An internal air ventilated crawl-space is a construction where you take the ventilation air from the building and bring it down to the crawl-space and lets the air circulate before it passes through a retaining aggregate on the way out from the crawl-space. In this matter you get a worm space under the building and a lot less dump problems in form of · Ground damp · Build damp The ground dump reduces through draining around the building, different layer of gravel between the ground and the building and ventilation of the crawl- space. The build dump reduces through ventilation of the crawl-space as fast as possible.

Samkörning mellan värmepumpar och fjärrvärme : Bostadsrättsföreningen Bogården

This diploma work covers an investigation over the heat - and hot water systems of thetenant-owner's association, Bogården. The heat - and hot water needs of Bogården aresatisfied by both district heating as well as three heat pumps. Implemented investigationshows that the heat pumps are not used in a profitable way. Apart from that, the reservepossibilities are small. There is also a risk of the growth of Legionella bacterium in thehot water system.Since the heat pumps are already installed, HSB-Gävleborg (responsible for Bogården)has a wish to investigate possible proposed actions for optimization of existing plant.After completed investigation, a new proposed action is presented.

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